Cartoon Resource entry #415 - Creepy Crawlers (1994)


original airdates: Oct 4, 1994-Fall 1996 in syndication
episodes: 23
produced by: Saban Entertainment
distributed and owned by: Walt Disney Television



Based on the Mattel toy 'Thingmaker' from the 1960s, the concept was re-branded as 'Creepy Crawlers' and produced by ToyMax in 1992.


1st Season (1994-1995)

#01 The Night of the Creepy Crawlers (10.04.1994)
#02 Sugar Frosted Crawlers (10.11.1994)
#03 Who's Afraid of Bees? (10.18.1994)
#04 Chris Explains It All (10.25.1994)
#05 Power Play (11.01.1994)
#06 Vanishing Act (11.15.1994)
#07 One Creepy Brother (11.22.1994)
#08 I Was a Teenage Crawler (12.06.1994)
#09 Mauler Amuck (12.27.1994)
#10 The Glob (01.24.1995)
#11 All the Way to China (01.31.1995)
#12 Double Trouble (02.07.1995)
#13 Attack of the Fifty Foot Googengrime (02.14.1995)
#14 Return of the Crime Grimes (02.21.1995)

2nd Season (1995-1996)

#15 Dawn of the Super Goop (09.16.1995)
#16 Deja Goop (09.23.1995)
#17 A Real Numb Skull (09.30.1995)
#18 Camp Nightmare (11.04.1995)
#19 Bugzilla (11.11.1995)
#20 T-4-2 (01.06.1996)
#21 Cold Snap (01.13.1996)
#22 Revenge of the Mutant Stink Bugs (01.20.1996)
#23 The Incredible Shrinking Creepy Crawlers (03.30.1996)



Steve Bulen (1949) as Squirminator
Joey Camen (1957) as Chris Carter, Todd Carter
Cam Clarke (1957) as Commantis, Spooky Goopy
Phillip Glasser (1978) as Chris 
Art Kimbro (1956) as Sting Ring
Jonny K. Lamb as T-3, 2-Ugly
Heidi Lenhart (1973) as Sammy Reynolds
Tony Pope (1947-2004) as Hocus Locust, Professor Googengrime, Tom Lockjaw
Jan Rabson (1954-2022) as Volt Jolt

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